南非動物救援團體 Care For Wild救援了一隻才出生12小時的犀牛,還有一隻8周大的斑馬,兩個孤兒寶寶在救治中心中治療,很快就成為彼此依靠的夥伴,無論何時都形影不離,牠們的友誼讓許多人感動不已。
Noting gets past these two! During their playtime outside the ICU, Modjadji decided to show Daisy where the milk is made! These two friends are becoming very mischievous... #careforwild #careforwildrhinosanctuary #daisy #modjajdi #royalrhinocreams #rhino #rhinobaby #animalfriends #wildlife #rehab
Posted by Care for Wild Rhino Sanctuary on Friday, January 28, 2022
▲兩個小可愛每天都貼在一起睡覺。(圖/翻攝自Care for Wild Rhino Sanctuary)
斑馬寶寶Modjadji只有8周大,牠在暴風雨中孤零零的無依無靠,幸好及時被救援帶到Care For Wild照顧,而不久後才出生12小時的犀牛寶寶Daisy也被送來。Daisy被發現時臍帶感染,甚至連站都站不穩,處於非常虛弱的狀態,在輸血並24小時貼身照顧下,才活了下來。
“Hello World, it’s Daisy here. I hope you are all having a lovely Saturday. It is exactly one week ago that I started to feel better and I am getting stronger each day. It’s been a lot of ups and downs. I love my human caregivers but there is someone extra special who also deserves a big thank you and a whole lot of love during these last few weeks. My best friend Modjadji. Thank you for never leaving my side, for always staying with me and for making me feel safe. Thank you for watching over me, for helping me stand up when I struggled, and for cuddling me at night. Thank you for being my friend. Love Daisy xxx”
Posted by Care for Wild Rhino Sanctuary on Saturday, January 8, 2022
▲保育員被可愛拍檔的好感情感動。(圖/翻攝自Care for Wild Rhino Sanctuary)
►阿公收編皮包骨柯基 養胖嘟嘟「提出門巡田」融化網:果然是金孫
►主人無家可歸帶47隻貓「住在車子裡」 擋風玻璃塞滿毛球嚇壞路人
►愛犬傳來訊息「吃完饅頭我就走」 爸帶牠下山...完成心願才斷氣
►夜市買鹹酥雞「前方毛客人」點超久 苦主無奈:到底能不能插隊?
►「170cm長髮巨嬰」趴流理台陪爸爸做菜 粉絲歪樓:你老婆真賢慧