Incredible sheep rescue!Watch the incredible rescue and transformation of Methuselah! A sheep who has defied the odds and discovered a new lease on life. Methuselah was found alone in a vast paddock, in a dire situation with her health deteriorating due to overgrown wool. Our dedicated team sprang into action, determined to save her. Witness the incredible transformation of Methuselah as she is relieved of the heavy burden of her 24kg fleece. It had become a tangled mess of moss and grass, causing her much discomfort. With each passing moment, she now embraces a world of kindness and new opportunities. Stay tuned for more updates on Methuselah’s inspiring journey. "If we could live happy and healthy lives without harming others, why wouldn't we?"
Posted by Edgar's Mission on Friday, July 14, 2023
澳洲民眾散步時發現一顆「詭異巨石」,靠近一看才發現竟然是一隻遭遺棄的綿羊,由於毛髮過度生長已經到了「有生命危險」的地步,所幸大動物救援團體Edgar’s Mission及時出手相救。
澳洲民眾散步時看到草叢中有一顆巨大的石頭,這顆石頭一動也不動,他疑惑地端詳了一下,竟發現石頭開始緩慢繞圈,這才發現竟然是一隻綿羊!Edgar’s Mission獲報後仔細看了綿羊的模樣,發現毛髮已經生長過長,很可能危及生命,當下判斷「我們必須「盡快救援」。
▲巨石綿羊引起路人注意。(圖/翻攝自Edgar’s Mission臉書)
▲馬蘇莎拉眼睛被過長的毛蓋住。(圖/翻攝自Edgar’s Mission臉書)
Edgar’s Mission與當地救援團體合作,順利把「巨石綿羊」帶回照顧,並取名為馬蘇莎拉(Methuselah)。由於毛髮過長,羊咩咩長期無法順利看到外面的世界,在剃掉毛之後巨石羊咩咩完全不一樣了,從恐懼害怕變得友善親人,而最後全身剃下來的毛竟然有24.5公斤。
▲馬蘇莎拉毛太多了,剃毛費了好大一番功夫。(圖/翻攝自Edgar’s Mission臉書)
▲馬蘇莎拉眼睛周圍的毛剃光後,馬上從害怕變得親人。(圖/翻攝自Edgar’s Mission臉書)
現在馬蘇莎拉全身清爽,還在新家的羊圈裡交到新朋友亞當(Adam),從落難的石頭怪物變成充滿幸福的羊咩咩,讓Edgar’s Mission的志工都感到相當欣慰,也很感謝路人發現了馬蘇莎拉並打了這通救命電話。
▲馬蘇莎拉現在可以舒服地在羊圈裡吃草。(圖/翻攝自Edgar’s Mission臉書)
▲馬蘇莎拉甚至能享受現場演奏音樂饗宴。(圖/翻攝自Edgar’s Mission臉書)