▲一家人和愛犬的奇蹟重逢,令人心裡暖暖的。(圖/翻攝自Second Chance Animal Services粉絲專頁)
當颶風瑪麗亞去年9月在加勒比海的波多黎各登陸時, Daya原本快樂的生活一夕驟變,就像當時許多其他的動物一樣。牠因為天災被迫離開了牠的主人,在那之後的幾個月,是牠狗生中最無依無靠的時候,這輩子沒這麼糟過。
Daya被送上飛機,飛到主人新家附近的「第二次機會動物救援中心」(Second Chance Animal Services)與他們見面。原本緊張的Daya認出空氣裡熟悉的味道,那個瞬間一切都改變了。牠無可克制的上下跳動,快樂的轉圈圈,不停的想要舔小主人的臉。這段令人感動的影片是一次無比幸運的重逢,顯示了只要信念仍在,一切都可能發生。
Daya & Family ReuniteDaya and her family reunited at Second Chance months after Hurricane Maria separated them! Daya's family relocated to Massachusetts without their beloved dog after the devastation of Hurricane Maria hit Puerto Rico and were excited to learn that Daya had been found and was being brought to Second Chance in a transport facilitated by St. Hubert's Animal Welfare Center and @Puerto Rico Animal Unite. Daya was one of 18 pets that arrived yesterday. The remaining pets without owners will complete a quarantine and medical release at our Almost Home Facility and then will be available for adoption. #SCAS #Daya #HurricaneMaria #PuertoRicoAnimalsReuinte #dog
由 Second Chance Animal Services 發佈於 2018年4月18日