▲屁孩拿石頭猛砸海豹。(圖/翻攝自St. Mary`s Seal Watch粉絲專頁)
英國聖瑪麗島自然保護區(St. Mary's Island Nature Reserve)日前出現虐待動物事件,只見3名年輕人撿拾石頭砸向海豹,逼得海豹不得不跳崖落水。當地保育組織「聖瑪莉海豹觀察(St. Mary's Seal Watch)」公布這段影片,希望大眾關注野生動物受虐的問題。
Wildlife harassment on St. Mary's Island Nature ReserveThis malicious act was carried out on St. Mary's Island Nature Reserve and seen from the mainland on Saturday 9th June at around 9.00pm. We have had other visitors saying they have witnessed the same thing over this season. This footage is not to name and shame the individuals but to highlight some of the problems the wildlife faces on the reserve and the stark contrast between the recent Sprinwatch clip of the island in all its majestic glory and the reality for most of the wildlife here which is subjected to repeated disturbance rarely finding the tranquillity shown in the beautiful Sprinwatch footage. The behaviour in this clip is abhorrent, however the most prolific disturbance source to all the wildlife is those carrying out recreational activities on the wildlife sensetive areas of the island. Without protection St. Mary’s Island Nature Reserve is no haven for the wildlife but a place where visitor pressure prevents any chance of the wildlife thriving. We know that many visitors show respect and consideration when visiting this wildlife sensitive site and will themselves have seen too often the acts of a few spoil it not just for the animals but for all those responsible visitors as well. So, what can you do; If you see people ignoring Council signs requesting visitors avoid the wildlife sensitive areas - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EUZlQWd1R48&feature=youtu.be - report it to staff in the Lighthouse. If the Lighthouse is not open email stmaryslighthouse@northtyneside.gov.uk If you see any activity of intentional harassment call 101 and report it. If in doubt as to what you should do please contact St. Mary’s Seal Watch for advice. If you believe more should be done to preserve the Nature Reserve and protect our local wildlife by those in authority, please write to a North Tyneside Councillor or local MP. We understand that some may find this video upsetting but please refrain from using abusive or aggressive language.
由 St. Mary's Seal Watch 發佈於 2018年6月15日 星期五