Bee Emerges From a Pollen-filled Bee-ritoLeaf-cutter bees are solitary, gentle pollinators that opt to construct egg chambers out of leaves, which they provision with nectar and pollen. Once these are in place, the female leafcutter places a single egg atop the food she’s gathered and then caps the cell with circular pieces of leaves. She may construct as many as 20 of these pollen-filled bee-ritos before she’s done. This footage shows a young leaf-cutter emerging from it's cozy bee-rito in the UK. There are many species of leaf-cutter bees found around the world including many in North America. In Florida alone there are as many as 63 different species of leaf-cutter bees. Footage by Emily Doorish Find her on Twitter @EDoorish Instagram @EmiliagoXD Find out more about UK bees at
由 Center for Biological Diversity 發佈於 2018年10月19日 星期五
粉絲專頁Center for Biological Diversity分享了這種神奇的蜜蜂,只見幾卷葉子冒出一對大眼睛和觸鬚,一下右腳撥撥頭,一下又往外張望,看起來像卡通人物一般,短短40秒的影片吸引超過1800次分享。
切葉蜂通常不自己築巢,而是使用其他昆蟲的棄巢或是鬆軟的洞穴,雌蜂會把剪下的葉片塞進洞穴中,在每個「嬰兒房」裡儲存一些花粉和花蜜作為幼蜂食物,產卵後用泥土將開口封住,還記得留個呼吸孔,舒服的「嬰兒房」就這麼大功告成了。Center for Biological Diversity分享的影片便是年幼的切葉蜂「破葉而出」的時刻。