Crucifix Toad swimmingAfter the Easter long weekend, we are all this little toad trying to swim. Crucifx Toads aren't known for being good swimmers, but this enthusiastic guy is giving it his best shot They are an arid species, who spend most of their time burrowed deep underground waiting for the summer and autumn rains, so we're not expecting him to win any swimming gold medals anytime soon. While little is known about how they breed in captivity, the team at Melbourne Zoo are busy trying to breed these interesting creatures so fingers crossed we hear the pitter patter of tiny tadpoles soon!
由 Zoos Victoria 發佈於 2018年4月4日 星期三
澳洲墨爾本動物園日前有9隻聖十字蛙(crucifix frog)死亡,原因是保育員在家中等待新冠肺炎檢測結果,沒有及時調節飼育箱內的濕度,濕度過低造成憾事。
▲聖十字蛙的蝌蚪。(圖/翻攝自Zoos Victoria臉書)
▲聖十字蛙長相圓滾滾。(圖/翻攝自Zoos Victoria臉書)
「淡定瞥眼」是獲救關鍵 台1歲黃金獵犬成亞洲首隻妥瑞症工作犬