有民眾日前在澳洲的普里姆羅斯沙灘 (Primrose Sands) 跑步時,發現1隻「長著雙手」的魚,且這稀有魚種距離上次被發現已是近20年前。對此,聯邦科學與工業研究組織 (CSIRO) 也驚訝地表示,「直到這次的發現前,我們還以為這種魚已經在當地滅絕了」。
據《每日鏡報》報導,亞爾 (Kerri Yare) 日前在澳洲塔斯馬尼亞州的普里姆羅斯沙灘上跑步時,看到了「斑點長手魚」,她說牠看起來就像小河豚或蟾蜍,但仔細觀察後,卻發現其獨特形狀的鰭,在當時她也不敢相信自己的眼睛,更不時發出驚嘆。
Read more about this exciting find and our work to conserve the spotted handfish. https://t.co/1Jnurw5B25
— CSIRO (@CSIRO) September 10, 2023
事後,聯邦科學與工業研究組織 (CSIRO) 的迪瓦恩 (Carlie Devine) 表示,「斑點長手魚」目前在世界上僅存2000隻,她還說「直到這次的發現前,我們還以為這種魚已經在當地滅絕了」,而幾年前組織也曾試圖尋找「斑點長手魚」,但卻一無所獲,但有了這次的發現後,讓他們有再次尋找的信心。
Spotted handfish preparing for another day of avoiding humansSpotted: a critically endangered handfish! Recently, we've had more news about these elusive creatures than we can count on one hand(fish). This week's news is that a runner spotted a critically endangered spotted handfish (Brachionichthys hirsutus) in Primrose Sands, Tasmania. Unfortunately the fish was dead, but it's exciting evidence of life of a population we'd thought was locally extinct since 2005. Once plentiful along Tasmania’s east coast, the number of spotted handfish has plummeted over the past three decades. But the fish are also solitary and small, making them very difficult to find. We estimate there are only about 2000 spotted handfish left in the wild. That's why we've been working for two decades to conserve them. Read more about this exciting find and our work to conserve the spotted handfish: https://www.csiro.au/en/news/All/Articles/2023/September/spotted-handfish-primrose-sands
由 CSIRO 發佈於 2023年9月9日 星期六
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