
無尾熊寶寶從樹上摔落! 「哼~」一聲呼喚媽媽救援:快點爬下來

▲無尾熊。(圖/翻攝自Facebook/Koala Rescue)

▲無尾熊寶寶不小心從樹上跌落。(圖/翻攝自Facebook/Koala Rescue)


澳洲阿得雷德無尾熊保護組織Koala Rescue接獲通報,一隻網球大小的無尾熊寶寶不慎從樹上摔落,媽媽無法靠自己的力量抱起孩子,情況相當危急。救援志工趕緊前往現場協助,所幸小無尾熊跌落在柔軟樹葉上,身體沒有任何傷勢,最後順利回到母親懷裡,結束這場驚慌記。►ETtoday寵物雲有IG了,來追蹤我吧!

▲無尾熊。(圖/翻攝自Facebook/Koala Rescue)


▲無尾熊媽媽爬下樹帶回寶寶。(圖/翻攝自Facebook/Koala Rescue)


▲無尾熊。(圖/翻攝自Facebook/Koala Rescue)

▲無尾熊媽媽終於和寶寶重逢。(圖/翻攝自Facebook/Koala Rescue)


Koala Rescue不忘呼籲民眾,志工在救援無尾熊前,有受過廣泛的培訓、教育以及經驗,大家如果發現有無尾熊受困時,千萬不要自己嘗試救援,必須馬上聯繫專業人士幫助,才能確保動物的健康與平安。


Would you like to see something so breathtakingly beautiful that your heart might just burst a little bit? Yesterday, we received a call saying teeny Norris, ‘about the size of a tennis ball’ had fallen from his mother and thankfully landed in a soft hedge. Our rescuers raced to the scene. While waiting for our tree-climbing team member, our volunteer decided to try something rather magical. She held little Norris up so his mother could see him, and she grunted and grred and CALLED HIS MOTHER DOWN!!! Yes, with years and years of experience, and having reunited many mums and babies, our very own koala whisperer was able to reunite this special pair. It was wonderful to catch this amazing scene on video. Mum Doris climbed down the tree (grunts were exchanged) and Norris happily climbed up on mum’s head so she could whiz them both back up the tree. Kids hey?! Hope you enjoyed this rescue as much as we did ~ hold on tight Norris . . ** Our volunteers have extensive training, education and experience in the handling and interaction with koalas. Please do not try this yourselves if you find koalas in a similar situation - it is essential the baby is checked for injury/illness by experienced professionals before this kind of release can occur. Give our friendly team a call ANYTIME on 0474 737283 and we’ll be with you as fast as we can . SAVING KOALAS FOR TOMORROW . To support KOALA RESCUE, please visit our website . . . if you see an injured, lost, orphaned or unwell koala, call @koala_rescue on 0474 737283 24/7. You must hold a special permit to care for koalas and joeys . . #koalas #wildlifecarers #koalasofinstagram #savethekoalas #abcmyphoto #southaustralia #adelaidehills #conservation #reunited #ilovekoalas #wildliferescue @7newsadelaide @abcadelaide #babykoala #adelaide #babykoalas #koalajoey #marsupial #adelaide #nativeaustralianwildlife #southernkoala #koalifications #australianwildlife #australiananimals #wildlifeofaustralia #marsupialsofinstagram #koalasofinstagram #koala #koala #mumsandbubs

Koala Rescue 發佈於 2021年8月9日 星期一


►收留狗媽「一晚送8寶寶」 8小時後客廳躺滿地她無奈:像在地雷區

►8年前擔任寄養家庭 導盲犬退休「正式變家人」:愛從沒改變過!

►暴雨淹水「142cm鱷魚」秒衝陽台玩! 一喊名牠S型快速游:來了~

►養到猛獸!爸手造「白鐵新戰車」 超狂成品千人敲碗:有接單嗎?

►浪浪闖進家「裝熟求收編」 秒窩小主人懷裡爸看傻:太離譜了吧!









關鍵字: 無尾熊








