▲鯊魚瞬間跳到船上,嚇壞船員。(圖/翻攝自Facebook/Sea Ventures Charters)
事件發生在上月27日,影片中可看到,由Sea Ventures Charters所營運的漁船在海上捕魚時,其中一名漁夫正在努力收魚線,想把釣到的大魚拉上岸時,一條巨大鯊魚突然跳到船上,直接撞到該名漁夫身上,其他船員見狀都嚇了一大跳,紛紛逃離現場,還有人立即爬上梯子。
Sea Ventures Charters後來將影片分享在臉書上,誇張景象獲得網友關注,他們表示,跳上船的鯊魚是約2公尺長的灰鯖鯊(Shortfin Mako Shark),「這是千載難逢的特殊經驗,幸好船上所有人都沒有受傷,順利進行測量、做紀錄後,已將鯊魚放回海中」。
August 27, 2022: Midcoast Maine: On board FV Lady Anne … this happened. A lovely day shark fishing with two beautiful blue sharks tagged and released when a big mako took the bait. Everyone was enjoying the acrobatics of the mako when …. (Watch video clip). A once-in-a-lifetime experience! Thankfully, no one on board was injured! Astonishingly, the mako was measured, tagged, nudged toward the transom door and released. Dave and Cameron did an incredible job keeping people (and the mako) safe. We want to acknowledge Chris Kingsbury and his band of boys for their cool heads, assistance, and this awesome video.
由 Sea Ventures Charters 發佈於 2022年8月28日 星期日