舊金山救援團體San Francisco SPCA不久前在街上救到一隻奇特的貓咪Lobstah,由於先天上的缺陷,牠的右前腳有兩個腳掌,像是龍蝦的大螯一樣,而且身體上也有許多問題,讓牠有時候會呼吸困難。雖然一度擔心會沒有人想要認養牠,但在手術過後沒多久,就有一對夫妻表達了領養的意願,也讓牠過上了超愜意的生活!
▼Lobstah在收容所及剛動完手術的影片。(影/取自imgur:SF SPCA)
This 4-month-old kitten was found in the streets in San Francisco. That ridiculously oversized paw that makes him look like he’s part-crustacean? He was born like that. Naturally, when he was brought to the San Francisco SPCA, we quickly named him Lobstah.
The medical team at the San Francisco SPCA was flummoxed. They’d never seen anything like it. Knowing that Lobstah didn’t have much time or many options, they rushed him into surgery. We said our goodbyes to him before he went under. Things weren’t looking good for the little kitten.
SF SPCA volunteer Pam Floquet, who had spent time with Lobstah before and after his surgery, was thrilled when he was finally brought to the adoption center. She made sure he was surrounded by comfy beds and toys in his new space.That’s how Lobstah’s new mom and dad first laid eyes on him: playing with Pam in his cone and stitched-up chest, while batting toys around with his oversized paw. Having raised a special-needs cat once before, John and Leda had a special place in their hearts and home for Lobstah. Pam knew this was the family for Lobstah.
為Lobstah動手術的是SF SPCA的Jeanette醫師,還有心血管專家Margo Mehl醫師,他們其實對於能不能成功拯救Lobstah,也充滿了不確定,但後來他們發現了特殊的方法可以重建這隻小貓的缺陷,進而強壯牠的肌肉。手術進行得非常順利,而且小Lobstah也不負眾望很快地康復了。
★ INSTAGRAM:lobstah_the_cat
延伸閱讀:「多趾貓」像戴了一雙拳擊手套 最愛和老爸玩你丟我撿