▲Payday和家人再次重逢。(圖/翻攝自Facebook/Wisconsin Humane Society,下同)
Payday’s ReunionHeartwarming story alert! Last week, we were shocked and thrilled when FOX6 News Milwaukee reached out to us after one of our regular Adopt-A-Pet segments. They told us that one of their viewers, Dwight, called in because he recognized the dog we had featured. He had woken up early last Wednesday to the sounds of FOX6’s morning broadcast, just as our volunteer started describing a little brown dog with the most adorable underbite. Dwight normally turns off his TV every night, but must have left it on by accident – or perhaps thanks to fate It only took one glance at the picture for Dwight to immediately recognize Payday, his long-lost pup who had gone missing nearly two years ago! Thanks to FOX6’s swift action, Payday was reunited with his family at the WHS Milwaukee Campus that same afternoon. Payday was originally brought home as a companion for Dwight’s now 12-year-old daughter, who was still distraught over the incredible loss of her best friend. Dwight’s mom, Melissa, came to pick up the beloved pup and – as you can see – it was the most incredible reunion! We are beyond ecstatic for this amazing family to finally be whole again
由 Wisconsin Humane Society 發佈於 2021年7月27日 星期二
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