
  • 我把皮蛋加進拿鐵裡了!?

再見送養汪竟是「瀕死」她心碎 獸醫:再慢3分鐘就來不及

狗狗送養遭虐。(圖/翻攝自NorCal Bully Breed Rescue)

▲Lollie再晚一點就醫就小命不保。(圖/翻攝自NorCal Bully Breed Rescue)



美國動物救援組織NorCal Bully Breed Rescue照顧Lollie3年,因為空間對好動的Lollie來說實在太擁擠,他們決定幫狗狗找新家,這時出現一名男子,對方和Lollie一拍即合,相處幾次後志工也很放心地將Lollie送養。


NorCal Bully Breed Rescue表示,一開始依切都很順利,志工都收得到狗狗的照片得知Lollie過得很好,但是2周前飼主突然不再傳送照片,所有訊息也不讀不回,「我們感到很憂心,不斷詢問想知道Lollie好不好,總算在幾天前對方回覆了。」

狗狗送養遭虐。(圖/翻攝自NorCal Bully Breed Rescue)

▲Lollie2年前意氣風發的模樣。(圖/翻攝自NorCal Bully Breed Rescue)

Lollie的飼主告訴NorCal Bully Breed Rescue因為手機遺失才會沒回覆,他很愛Lollie但是不得不退養。NorCal Bully Breed Rescue知道後用最快的速度要把寶貝接回家,「原本以為Lollie會跑來迎接,但是門一開卻是飼主懷裡滿滿Lollie的家當,隨後看到飼主的母親手裡抱著一隻狗,那是Lollie。」

NorCal Bully Breed Rescue表示,Lollie舌頭吐出發黑,眼睛腫脹不已,「再次見到Lollie卻是瀕死的模樣,我無法形容那種心情。」她尖叫詢問「牠怎麼了?」,得到卻是2人無所謂地回答「沒事啊,很好!」飼主的母親還說Lollie剛剛散步回來,可能是吃壞肚子了。

[廣告] 請繼續往下閱讀 ...

NorCal Bully Breed Rescue抱了Lollie就跳上車直奔最近的動物醫院,院方馬上讓Lollie吸氧氣,「他們說再慢3分鐘Lollie就死了。」後來才知道,Lollie的脊椎受到外傷,後腿已經萎縮,44天天來消瘦許多,飼主母子說的「才去上完廁所」根本是胡謅,因為Lollie的情況已經好多天無法走路了。

NorCal Bully Breed Rescue心痛將疼愛的狗狗交給惡魔,他們決定Lollie康復後不再送養,「我們會盡力彌補我們對牠做的一切。」


LOLLIE UPDATE... (This video was taken pre-surgery. We will have a post surgery video tomorrow ) I have so much I want to say so this might be long so bear with me. First let me start off by saying that Lollie did FANTASTIC during surgery and is recovering nicely. She’s currently sleeping comfortably. She will likely be able to come home on Friday. Second I want to say THANK YOU to all of you who have donated, shared, commented, prayed, messaged, and just simply CARED about our little girl. I just got home from work a bit ago and am just able to sit down and start going through the comments and messages. I’ve tried so hard to keep up on the messages but there have been hundreds. I will get back to each and every one of you, I promise. To those of you who have left comments or sent me messages of encouragement, I cannot begin to thank you enough. My heart is so incredibly heavy, but I feel like it has been lifted by each and every one of you. Your kindness and love has been overwhelming in the most beautiful of ways. I am doing my best to get through this, but I know I won’t be OK until she’s back with me. Then we can start the healing process. As for this man and what is to be done to him. There is a process. Please understand that. He’s not just going to be arrested. We have to prove he did something wrong first. We plan on doing just that. He is claiming that she was sick and couldn’t walk when he adopted her. This is not true. We have documentation of Lollie’s weight and physical condition including xrays from just two days before he went to her. That can be compared against her current condition as proof that this was done in his care. We have doctors willing to attest to her physical condition just two days before he adopted her. We will be filing a police report tomorrow. We will be contacting the Modesto Animal Control tomorrow to file a report. We will be doing all of the appropriate paperwork on our end to get the ball rolling. I understand that animal abuse is now a felony but it has to be proven. We will prove it. Please just trust us on that. On to what we know about what happened to Lollie. Her spinal injury happened recently. It was due to a specific incident, not due to degenerative bone disease or a preexisting condition. What this means is she was injured in his care, at a specific point in time, during a specific incident. Her significant weight loss is NOT due to her spinal injury. It is something that has taken place over the period of time that she’s been with him. She was a healthy, filled out dog 45 days ago. Her back end is clearly atrophied and extremely thin. This is all going to take time. I know all of you want to see justice take place and BELIEVE ME, I GET IT. SO DO I. It’s a process. And we will not let him get away with this. We will keep you updated every step of the way. This video is of Lollie this morning, prior to her surgery. They got her to stand and walk a short distance. Watching it absolutely ripped my heart out. She’s barely recognizable. Her weight loss is sickening. She’s a shell of the dog I knew. She was likely starved in his care. Every horrible thing we can imagine has been in our minds and hearts. Not knowing what he did to her or what she went through is excruciating. She went through hell I’m sure. BUT... On Friday her life starts over. We will fatten her up. The physical mending has already begun. The mental healing will be next. I’m going to make sure she knows nothing but love for the rest of her life. I will take you on our journey together. I’ll keep you updated every step of the way. We should have another update for you tomorrow. I’ll post photos or videos as soon as I get them from the hospital staff. WE ARE HUMBLED BY YOUR KINDNESS. BY YOUR GENEROSITY. BY YOUR LOVE. She’s not just our dog anymore. She’s all of ours. She’s yours too. Again I will do my best to answer all messages and it may take a few days but I’ll get to you. We love each and every one of you. Thank you for giving Lollie a second chance at life. -Anna

NorCal Bully Breed Rescue 發佈於 2019年12月3日 星期二



►國王企鵝寶寶超巨大! 網友看傻:裡面確定沒裝人?

►機場檢疫犬坐下討獎賞! 打開行李眼神「期待→落寞」萌炸

►歐告全身包滿「染血紗布」走路卡卡 網友以為被虐...近看全笑了!





關鍵字: 送養救援團體





男凌晨發現 貓咪「摸黑看健身節目」

「朕累了載我回家」 緬因貓霸氣跳上警車

每隻都想養! 女驚喜發現「被狗狗選中瞬間」

大貴賓見媽撸貓 學著伸手溫柔摸

法鬥乖乖上床睡覺 還自己躺枕頭



鐵龍突伸出毛掌拍拍安慰 男爆哭:愛貓回來了

比人類還閃 女和男友同居「2貓上演偶像劇」

桌上披薩消失 兇手汪緊咬戰利品

在自家院子被綁架 拉布拉多7年後奇蹟現身

奴才裝電線保護套 喵皇當新玩具興奮飛撲

女超市買雞蛋 「孵出8隻小雞」






