Lalah the climbing kittyLalah the climbing kitty: She must have been eager for climbing up to the top before she became proper size to reach to the next hold(colored rocks) while watching people climbing everyday. In the last few weeks,her growth made it possible for it. So,she did it! We never trained her. She just accomplished her desire with no help. She must be happy and proud. We are also very happy and proud of her challenge and achievement!
由 bouldering gym BOULBAKA 發佈於 2016年11月26日 星期六
▲人類真是太遜了,本喵先睡一下。(圖/翻攝自bouldering gym BOULBAKA臉書)
攀岩館老闆Mitsuru Goan撿到拉拉,便決定養在攀岩館裡,「牠是我們館的經理,負責對客人說『喵~』。」拉拉跟所有貓咪一樣喜歡跳來跳去,牠還有個絕招,就是「爬繩子」搆到攀岩牆,再順著石頭登頂。Mitsuru Goan表示,其實拉拉並非一開始就會爬,「牠會觀察其他客人,久而久之就無師自通登頂了!」
▲拉拉是攀岩館經理。(圖/翻攝自bouldering gym BOULBAKA臉書)
為了提高攀岩的難度與變化,攀岩館的的石頭會不時調換位置,Mitsuru Goan笑說,要是石頭變了拉拉就興致缺缺,「現在牠比較喜歡溜進客人的包包裡在裡面睡覺,所以我們都會提醒,小心別把拉拉背回家了。」
►影/走進三重義天宮「全是貓」 80歲嬤寵20年:牠們是虎爺部下
►影/巴丹嗨玩髮夾「鳥嘴變鯊魚」 爆笑開合引國外網友朝聖
►華山小屋異常亢奮助破案 搜救犬「林志玲」退休突癱學用助行器